Monday, June 16, 2008

Proquest Civil War Era Database

Tarver Library has added the Civil War Era database from Proquest's Historical Newspapers collection to our database listing. Following is an excerpt from the vendor's description of this product:

"ProQuest Civil War Era was developed in conjunction with librarians and expert Civil War scholars to meet valuable research needs as no other resource can. It combines complete runs of regional newspapers, as well as pamphlets covering a wide range of topics. It's a deep set of primary sources, with documents that encompass the buildup to and evolution of the war that shaped the Nation's identity, all in original article and page image. ProQuest Civil War Era focuses on the entire era, from Manifest Destiny through the end of the Civil War--enabling researchers to investigate not just the battles, but also the rising tensions that led the country to war.

Newspaper and pamphlet sources--never before available online Researchers will get the full story from nearly 2,000 pamphlets and complete runs of eight newspaper titles, covering 1840-1865, that were specifically selected for the regional and diverse perspectives they offer. The pamphlets expand on individual perspectives of government officials, clergy, social reformists, and others. Newspapers are a perfect complement to these sources offering insights on a broader range of events. The newspapers included in Civil War Era provide a variety of editorial perspectives reflecting different regions and political orientations."

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